Day 18 in the hospital
Day 6 post chemo

Before my transfusions Zach and I went outside and got some fresh air. This was the first time I had been outside in 11 days! I needed this.
Saturday I received my first blood and platelet transfusions. It was weird. I'm not going to lie. Seeing someone else blood going through my IV into my body was super creepy. But, after I got over the creepiness of it, I actually felt like my energy was getting better. After my platelet transfusion I felt so energetic. I actually moved at a normal (or close to normal) speed.
First blood transfusion selfie.
This all went down pretty late in the evening, I think my platelets were done around 10:15pm. Zach came to tuck me in like he does every night after our boys go to sleep. I got up to go to the bathroom, feeling totally fine, I sat down and my knee started shaking a little. By the time I got back to my bed, I was uncontrollably shaking. I couldn't stop. It felt like my muscles were spasming. This went on for probably 20 minutes.

The on call doctor prescribed something to me for the tremors, but I think they had started to stop before they even gave that to me. The medicine or the incident or the platelets or something caused my blood pressure to drop in ranges that the nurses and doctors were not happy with. Lucky for me, the doctor did not think they needed to intervene. But, the next day, I needed another set of transfusions so they made me go to the ICU so they could more closely monitor me there.

I hated being in the ICU. I was very grumpy about it. I lost my big room with a great view. The room was small, there were so many machines, I had to be hooked up to all kinds of stuff. UGH. I hated it.

Me in the ICU hooked up to all the things. Yes, this is how I had to sleep!
Thankfully this time it went more smoothly. I still felt feverish and tired after the platelets but my fever did not go over 100˚F so that was good. I slept for about 3 hours and then started to feel more energetic. The rest of the evening was uneventful and the doctor came in the morning and told me they would move me back upstairs. YAY. My awesome ICU nurse told me he would ask for my room back.

I was back in my old room by 3pm Monday. I didn't need any transfusions either, so that was awesome. My platelets were at 19 and hemoglobin was at 7.3.

Will update again soon.
Love & Light.
😷😘 michelle


  1. I can't believe they were going to give up your room, that is dumb! Oh, and I'm glad you're feeling better. ;)-


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