The last and final biopsy


Well. Just got back from my very last (I hope) bone marrow biopsy. The new doc doesn't do IV drugs, she just does lidocaine. WHAT?!??! They are seriously drilling into my bones!


Ok. I can do this right?

Yeah, I talked her into giving me something at least for the intense amount of anxiety. She prescribed 0.5g Ativan. Take 2 before you come and take 1/2 or 1 more when you get here.

It's seriously not doing anything. It's doing NOTHING! UGH.

This sucks.

Ok, in the procedure room. The doc that is going to do the biopsy tells me I can let 1 more dissolve under my tongue. So, we're up to 2mg of Ativan now. Is that a lot? Because I sure can't feel crap. Why can't they just give me the good stuff.

Time to be brave.

Lidocaine. Pinch here. Pinch there. That's not what hurt.

I CAN NOT BREATH. I'm crying. I'm doing all this Yoga/ Meditation breathing. I'm holding on to Zach's hand. This just sucks.

Bone drilling. Or something like that. Who knows what they actually do back there. Still crying. Still anxious. But it's ok.

OK, time to get the liquid aspiration. This is the fun part. Oh my... Are you serious. UGH! Ok, that hurt. That wasn't just anxiety. Thank God its over fairly fast. But, counting down from 10 goes very very slow. 10....9....8....7....6....5.....4.....3.....2....1

And then it's done. Now just pressure so I don't bleed. Oh. that kind of hurt. UGH. Just let me go!

Oh yeah, you want more blood. Thankfully these nurses are good at lab draws because I drank ZERO water today.

And now...

We wait.

And we wait.

Results take 2 weeks, maybe longer.

We wait.

Yeah, I think I'm going to be finishing off that bottle of Ativan over the next couple weeks.


God is good.

God. Whatever your plan. We've got this. **breathe** And we wait.

Will update again soon.
Love & Light.
😷😘 michelle


  1. I cannot even imagine no IV meds for that procedure. They don't do any meds to help for spinal taps either. I think they should.
    When my daughter was 15 months old she had a bone marrow biopsy/aspiration. I saw the devices they use for the procedure. They are just flat out barbaric. I am praying this is the last ever.


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