Week in the Life - Sunday

(You can click on an image and scroll through to see them bigger.)

The Story of this Morning
Mother’s Day! Oliver came in and snuggled. Coffee and presents first thing. Holden wrote me a nice letter and Oliver made me a picture frame and wrote me a poem. Zach got me this awesome video printer. You use an app to import a video, it prints a frame of the video as a photo and then you use an app to view the video with the photo. It’s so cool. I’m excited to put together a short 15 second week in the life video and include it in my album. I hope it works! After presents Zach went to pick Coda up from his sleepover and get donuts. Coda had fun but he is SLEEPY! I think he had too much sugar and caffeine and did not get any sleep. He says he slept from 2am-6am. Crazy kids. Zach and the boys cleaned up the house while I got to sit and do all my Week in the Life  journalling. Zach trimmed up Oliver’s hair and they all even dressed “nice” today.

The Story of this Afternoon
Brunch at Flatz with Bart, Kathy, Josh, Laura and the girls. It’s an annual tradition. Eating way too much food. Also an annual tradition. When we got home, Holden went to a friends to play for a bit and Coda and Oliver went to the library to return books and get some new ones. It was a pretty relaxed afternoon. Coda practiced his flute for a bit. His fianl performance is tomorrow night. Oliver did some art. We figured out the Life Print app doesn’t need the printer to work so Zach was showing Oliver how to make his drawings come to life. It’s so cool. He used the light box to make his standing dog walking (two new drawings) and then Zach put them in iMovie and made a short clip of the dog walking. Download the LifePrint app and scan the standing dog picture below to see it come to life (you can also do this with the photo above that says "Week in the Life".

The Story of this Evening
No one was hungry for dinner. Still so FULL from brunch. We let the boys watch some Netflix while Zach and I ran to the store for a few things. They just started doing this “Scan, Bag, Go” where we scan while we shop then just pay at the register and leave. I can defintly see this being good for sticking with a budget since it gives you your total as you scan. After the boys went to bed, Zach and I made some more of those yummy salted fudgy brownies. Yes, we are totally obsessed! and started The Unbreakable Kimmy Schimdt on Netflix. So funny! I can’t believe it took us this long to start watching.

Almost done with putting the album together. Hoping to do a video walkthrough of the completed album soon. While I'm at it, maybe I'll do a video walkthrough of my 2016 and 2017 week in the life albums too.

Will update again soon.
Love & Light.
😷😘 michelle


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