Week in the Life - Tuesday

Tuesday I narrowed my pictures to 37. I may or may not use all of those (likely not all of them). Here are a few. My plan right now is to do my journaling sectioned off into three parts: The story of this morning, the story of this afternoon, and the story of this evening. I'm also considering adding a little "Real Life looks like..." to each day. I also kept real time notes by the hour of what we were up to each day. I'll include the printed 3x8 timeline as well as a 3x4 "Today's Food" card. I'm also including bits and pieces of our home with some "This I Love" and/or possibly the "Things I love about home right now" cards.

The Story of this Morning
Holden and Oliver are loving reading all about New York. They were excited to tell us all the things that we can do when we are there. Did you know that you can rent a canoe in Central Park? I don’t think I’m going to have to do any planning for this trip, they will find all the interesting and fun things for us.Today it’s character day for spirit week at the middle school so Coda dressed up as one of his own characters from a story he is writing. This kid is so creative. And I love that he participates in stuff like this. Once all the kids were off to school, Zach dropped Bart’s truck off at the park n ride so I brought him back home so he could take the van to work. Another creative team field trip day and Zach is the designated driver since he has the van (and likes to drive). Bart and Kathy went on a trip to Israel and they are getting back today. Looking forward to hearing about their trip and seeing all the pictures. When I got home I did a Tone It Up workout in the garage. After my workout I had a quick protein shake for breakfast and did some blog reading (Ali Edwards Week in the Life updates) and then headed to pick up Coda for a therepy appointment.

Real Life looks like Finley tap dancing until Oliver feeds him breakfast. Oliver is the dog whisperer in the family. His daily chore always includes feeding the dogs twice a day. Right now he fills their bowls and makes Finley sit and shake (both paws) before allowing him to eat.

Real Life looks like spirit week. I love that Coda gets into stuff like this. And I love his creativity. Today was "character day" and he dressed up as one of his own characters from a story he is creating.

Real Life looks like Coda taking ownership in filling out paperwork at the doctors office. Also, now that he's a teen, he has more rights to privacy. 

The Story of this Afternoon
After I dropped Coda back at school I ran home for a quick lunch before going up for Oliver’s big messy field days. Oliver and Dylan did everything together. They are such good friends. After school, Holden and Oliver did their chores and then went downstairs to play hockey in the basement. I did some more work on the yearbook. I can’t believe the school year is almost over! I started cooking dinner around 4 since Holden had to eat early and go to lacrosse practice. I dropped Holden off at lacrosse while Zach stayed home with Oliver and waited for Coda to get home. Oliver mowed the back yard to make some extra money. They get $2.50 per lawn they mow and are extremely motivated right now to earn extra cash. 

The Story of this Evening
Coda got home from track practice and Zach and I gave him his new backpacking pack. He told us today that he got into Algebra for next year. We wanted to get him something for all the hard work he has put into math this year. He’s pretty excited to have his very own pack for his 5 day backpacking trip this summer with IdRaHaJe. After everyone was fed and we cleaned up, I dropped Zach, Coda and Oliver off at the baseball fields and picked up Holden from lacrosse practice. Zach had his first softball game of the season. I opted out of playing this summer. Maybe next year, we’ll see. But, I do enjoy watching them. They won, 9-19. I wish I would have taken more pictures. I should have gotten a picture of the team on the bench. Maybe next time. After softball, Zach decided to go make a few bucks and drive Lyft. I watched some Hulu after the boys went to bed.

Real Life looks like another softball season with Saved by the Balls. I'm not playing this year, but Zach is. I think they might even go all the way this year! We always ended up in second place, but the first place team moved up a league, so I think they have a good shot at winning the league this year!

Will update again soon.
Love & Light.
😷😘 michelle


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