Whole 30 - Day 30 and reintroductions

Whole 30 week 5 recap:


Another smoothie bowl. These things are good - and pretty! ;) 

I made Instant Pot Pork Carnitas for dinner. I can't find the recipe now, which is a bummer, because they were good. They would have made for some amazing tacos. I also roasted up a big batch of veggies.


Day 30!!! I made it. Whoo hoo. I had a smoothie bowl for breakfast/lunch and then made this super easy chicken taco meat in the cockpot. I just put in homemade taco seasoning, a big can of crushed tomatoes and a can of green chilis (I would have used two, but only had one so I just used what I had) and some homemade bone broth. Topped it with some homemade guac and cut up some pineapple to go with it.


Reintro day one. Today is non-gluten grains day. I made a breakfast taco with the leftover carnitas and a fried egg. YUM. It was super messy so I didn't take a picture.

Tortilla chips! YAY. I've been wanting some chips and guac since I made it last week. So good. I also cooked some quinoa in my homemade bone broth and mixed that with a bowl full of reheated roasted veggies from the other day.

For dinner I made a teriyaki rice bowl with asparagus and pineapple. I didn't have all the ingredients and I was working with partially frozen chicken so it didn't really turn out the way I wanted it to. The family ate it fine though. I however, didn't really like it.

Reactions: After lunch I started to get really short of breath. Great. No corn for me. Boo. I'm going to miss popcorn and tortilla chips. But, I had a feeling this was going to be the case. I would frequently have breathing issue, even went to the doctor and had many tests done about 10 years ago and they never could figure it out. After a while, I wondered if it was either A. anxiety or B. food sensitivity. It always seemed to get worse when I would go to the movies, but I figured that was because I was downing a large popcorn. So, I suppose I'm going to have to decide to keep corn out, at least in large quantities and be prepared for some breathing issues if I do choose to have a few chips here and there. What am I going to eat with my guac? Corn may deserve another test day, you know, just to be sure. Maybe I can blame it on the quinoa. Rice seemed to go fine, I felt a bit bloated and puffy but no issues beyond that.


Back to Whole 30 compliant meals today. Smoothie bowl for breakfast. YUM. For dinner we're going to have a major clean out the fridge night. Way too many leftovers in there!


And then... I decided to heck with it. I decided that regardless of how I react to these different foods, I was still planning on eating them. I'm not giving anything up. So, my goal is to live 80-90% Paleo/Whole 30 type eating and just eat the rest in moderation.

Date night tonight. We went out for tacos and donuts. But honestly, I didn't feel like I was completely irresponsible. πŸ˜‚

So, I guess Whole 30 is officially done!

Next up on the blog. Week in the Life

Will update again soon.
Love & Light.
😷😘 michelle


  1. Michelle. I am also very sensitive to corn. And man oh man. I had NO idea how much I like corn. I have found a I react differently to different kinds of corn. Cheetos...oh man. I had NO idea how much I adore them. Tortilla chips cause weakness and fatigue and just a generalized feeling of being unwell. I have found several chip kinds of alternatives that aren't based in corn. Planning my son's recent graduation party, I didn't buy products that co gained corn except for the requested bag of Doritos from the graduate. I have also learned I react to freeze dried corn kernels. And frozen corn too. What happens when you eat corn?
    I am very grateful to God for your healing/remission. I pray this never comes back. I appreciate your blog through this process.
    So merely,


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