November 2018 | Day in the Life
Hi everyone. Wow. It's been quite awhile since I've posted. Sorry about that. I guess life is just back to normal so I don't have much to say. HA! So, I thought I would just post about my normal day!
I participate in a project with Ali Edwards and community called, Day in the Life. Read about it more here: And then join in with me next time! Or just do it all on your own on a random day. I seriously love this project. If you go check out my instagram page, you can see my current Day in the Life album in the stories (#ditl album).
I used a combination of the big camera (Canon Mark IV with the 35L lens) and my iPhone 7plus, Zach also took some photos with his iPhone X. Some of my pictures are blurry, and that's ok. For me, it's about the moment, not a technically perfect photo.
Yesterdays Day in the Life focused on gratitude. I opted to still have a time/schedule focus with sprinkles of gratitudes mixed in throughout the day.
5:10am // Zach wakes up to his alarm to head to the garage to workout. He's very disciplined! He probably averages 4-6 workouts a week. What a lucky girl I am. π
6:29am // Zach is done working out and getting ready to head into work. He normally leaves for work a little before 7 now-a-days so he can be home earlier and we can have more family time. It's nice to have a semi-flexible schedule. I, of course, am still in bed. Not much of a morning person. But, it's time to start moving. Tuesday mornings, Holden has intramural sports practice before school. He has to leave around 7. He's normally a morning person, but he's a tired guy today.

Taking this photo of Coda I’m reminded of what a good looking and sweet kid he is. He’s growing up so fast. Tomorrow he turns 14. We’re definitely in the midst of hormonal teenager middle-school craziness but this morning I got a glimpse into the mature, kind, happy guy he is. I’m thankful to be able to be a witness to how God will use this guy in this world. He’s going to do big things one day. His heart is so big.
9:13am // Crockpot dinner. We started using this service, Plate Joy (get $20 off Plate Joy if you use this link). and so far so good. Menu planning always is our downfall. All the recipes we've tried so far have been great. The app is awesome and easy to use and I love the way it gives you an easy to use shopping list. After I got dinner going, I whipped up a green smoothie bowl to take with me to the meeting. After the meeting I had to run to the grocery store to get some ingredients for Coda's request of a Lemon Rosemary Olive Oil birthday cake. I guess that's what you get when you watch Food Networks Kids Baking Challenge. Thanks Duff.

π·π michelle
I participate in a project with Ali Edwards and community called, Day in the Life. Read about it more here: And then join in with me next time! Or just do it all on your own on a random day. I seriously love this project. If you go check out my instagram page, you can see my current Day in the Life album in the stories (#ditl album).
I used a combination of the big camera (Canon Mark IV with the 35L lens) and my iPhone 7plus, Zach also took some photos with his iPhone X. Some of my pictures are blurry, and that's ok. For me, it's about the moment, not a technically perfect photo.
Yesterdays Day in the Life focused on gratitude. I opted to still have a time/schedule focus with sprinkles of gratitudes mixed in throughout the day.
5:10am // Zach wakes up to his alarm to head to the garage to workout. He's very disciplined! He probably averages 4-6 workouts a week. What a lucky girl I am. π
6:29am // Zach is done working out and getting ready to head into work. He normally leaves for work a little before 7 now-a-days so he can be home earlier and we can have more family time. It's nice to have a semi-flexible schedule. I, of course, am still in bed. Not much of a morning person. But, it's time to start moving. Tuesday mornings, Holden has intramural sports practice before school. He has to leave around 7. He's normally a morning person, but he's a tired guy today.
6:40am // Coffee. Need coffee. Looking a little rough this morning. But, I guess that's just another thing to appreciate about this project. It really is REAL LIFE! Zach heads out and I continue to persuade the boys to get themselves ready for school. Ollie wraps himself in baby red and comes to snuggle on the couch. He is also not a morning person. Holden gets his lunch (we made lunches last night, smart thinking, we aren't always this on top of things) - turkey, apple, cheese, and hardboiled eggs - and heads out to school a little before 7.
7:09am // Ollie is our dog whisperer. He feeds them and teaches them tricks and snuggles them all the time. He loves his pups. Right now, Finley has to give shakes before he can eat.
7:29am // Look who's awake. If Oliver and I are not morning people, then Coda is the king of not being a morning person. He hates to wake up. But, today is looking like a good day. He's in a pretty good mood. All the boys had Chobani Flips for breakfast. That seems to be top for their breakfast choice right now. Ollie grabs his lunch (celery with peanut butter and chia seeds with grapes and chocolate pudding) and heads out with just barely enough time to make it to school before the bell rings at 7:50am. Coda goes to school later, so he finishes getting ready and grabs his lunch (Ramen, yeah, instant ramen, strawberries and way too many Cheese-Its and pretzels).
8:16am // I take a picture of Coda before driving him this morning. Normally he bikes, but he asked for a ride and I had the time, so why not. He was looking so good today. He combed his hair, put on jeans, it's a big day! π

**copied from my instagram post**
8:32am // All the boys are off to school / work. Today’s my day off. Plans to crockpot dinner, go to a Homes of Living Hope meeting, lunch with a friend and hopefully get a workout in today. Taking this photo of Coda I’m reminded of what a good looking and sweet kid he is. He’s growing up so fast. Tomorrow he turns 14. We’re definitely in the midst of hormonal teenager middle-school craziness but this morning I got a glimpse into the mature, kind, happy guy he is. I’m thankful to be able to be a witness to how God will use this guy in this world. He’s going to do big things one day. His heart is so big.
9:13am // Crockpot dinner. We started using this service, Plate Joy (get $20 off Plate Joy if you use this link). and so far so good. Menu planning always is our downfall. All the recipes we've tried so far have been great. The app is awesome and easy to use and I love the way it gives you an easy to use shopping list. After I got dinner going, I whipped up a green smoothie bowl to take with me to the meeting. After the meeting I had to run to the grocery store to get some ingredients for Coda's request of a Lemon Rosemary Olive Oil birthday cake. I guess that's what you get when you watch Food Networks Kids Baking Challenge. Thanks Duff.
1:49pm // Jackie came over with lunch in hand so we could just hang out and eat at my house. Budgeting, ya know. Thanks Dave. Self timers never work out right unless I take like a million, so we're just going with this blurry one. It was nice to catch up. It feels like it's been forever since we've hung out. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays this semester Holden has Dragon School so Oliver comes home and its just us two for an hour or so, depending on when Zach gets home. Today I worked on my computer, Ollie hung out in his room on the iPad playing Dolphin Evolution, had a snack -always snacking those boys- and just hung out. Zach was home by 3:30 and then went down to his office to get some other work done while I worked out. Ollie helped me out by taking some photos.
4:37pm // Holden got home from school and Ollie worked on his homework in a desperate attempt to get more screen time. I glanced over at the oven and saw a tiny little tail. EWWWW. I really am not a fan of mice in my house. Zach went out to the garage and grabbed a trap and put some peanut butter on it for the little mouse. Sorry mouse. I went and picked Coda up (science fair club after school on Tuesdays) while Zach finished up dinner. No way was I going near that stove. EWWWW. I love how Coda and Zach are dressed as twins today. Handsome guys!
5:20pm // Speedy dinner tonight so we could head out to Holden's inline hockey game. Coda was 100% not in the mood to go, but he's lost the privilege of staying home right now, so he reluctantly came. Holden loves hockey! SO MUCH, he loves hockey. Oliver drew the cutest Santa and reindeer picture and then a beach scene where he used my phone to watch a YouTube video on how to draw a kid holding an ice cream cone along with some beachy things.

**copied from my instagram post**
6:37pm // Wear off the face-off... through the legs... breakaway... Wear down the rink... forehand... stick side... GOOOOOAAAALLLL!!! ... This middle boy of mine. He loves sports. Especially hockey. Thankful to hear his excitement in his voice after a game. Even when they lose (bad). He always says he wants to go pro. But I think he should be a teacher and a coach. He’s my little encourager with a big heart for fairness and the under-dog. Or maybe he has a future as a sports announcer. (Word for word Holden announcing his own goal π(the only one of the game for his team).

8:05pm // Home from hockey. Holden was TIRED and SWEATY! Oliver, of course, somehow finagled his way to more screen time. Holden and Zach watched their 2 minutes of hockey after Holden got out of the shower and Coda took a shower so we could deep condition his hair. He's got some great hair! Then, finally bedtime. Holden read while he listed to the rest of the Avalanche game, I told you - BIG hockey fan! I cleaned up the kitchen, how did we get so many dishes? And Zach finished up some work.
9:31pm // Lemon and Rosemary. Smells so good. I really hope this cake turns out. Zach and I baked together and then he cleaned up the kitchen, again, while I made him a salad for lunch tomorrow.
**copied from my instagram post**
10:53pm // Thankful for this man. He works hard everyday to provide for us. He loves on us more than anything. He makes me feel safe and cared for and deeply loved. He’s an incredible dad and shows patience and grace to the boys daily. He teaches us what it looks like to love God and love the people in your life as much as the strangers that cross your path.
Goodnight. And thank you @aliedwards for another great day of documenting. A wonderful reminder to live life full of gratitude. Looking forward to adding this to my #ditl album soon.
Goodnight. And thank you @aliedwards for another great day of documenting. A wonderful reminder to live life full of gratitude. Looking forward to adding this to my #ditl album soon.
Will update again soon.
Love & Light.π·π michelle
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