Not the Greatest Blogger | Photo Heavy!!!
I am not good at this blogging thing when it comes to everyday normal life. So, let's see, here is a quick rundown of what has happened in the last year since my very last chemo (one year ago on the 16th).
Started with lots of rest, relaxation, transfusions and one last trip to the hospital. March ended with some sports, lacrosse and soccer and a few days of ski/boarding.

April started with a biopsy to confirm remission (YAY, it worked). Then just tons of family time, more skiing, puzzles, sports, hikes, volunteering at the school again. Oh, yeah, and we did Whole 30!

May was all about the end of the school year with concerts and more sports and the T Swift concert with our fave concert people, Scott and Laura!

June started with an awesome family vacation to NYC where we walked a million miles (literally, we walked everywhere, one day we walked form Central Park to the Brooklyn Bridge!) and a surprise concert to see Imagine Dragons and Grace Vanderwaal. It was amazing!! And I even got to stay in NY a few extra days with the bestie! More sports, hiking, pools, family time and friend time. And another concert with our fave concert peeps! Finally got to that Dispatch concert (remember we had tickets for the weekend after I was diagnosed last September?) It was amazing!

July started out with a bang, ha. see what I did there? Fireworks, of course. And a week with no kiddos, while they were at camp. Coda did a 5 day backpacking adventure. So awesome. More sports, more family time, more hikes.

August. More sports, lots of biking, Coda went to another camp. And the start of school. Oh, and some serious CrossFit workouts for me. Zach went to Uganda. Coda went to New Mexico with Pa for Homes of Living Hope. And Sam Smith with our favorite concert peeps!
September. Family, braces, school, biking, working out, Holden turned 10, sports, sports, sports. Zach went to Newfoundland for work. I took the boys to see We Are the Messengers and Zach Williams with friends. And our cucumber plant produced WAY TOO MUCH!
October brought an amazing trip to Tulum for our 16th anniversary! Bachama and Pompa came out from Illinois to babysit the boys and they brought cousin Keira. And of course, more sports. The best 3rd annual Tiki Birthday Party

November started ski season with a birthday celebration for me and ended with a birthday celebration for my now 14 year old!
December was a lot of family, sports (always sports), the best night of the year with our neighbors, the Christmas Light bike ride tour!, Holden got student of the month, Go HOLDEN! and more family time in the mountains for Christmas. And Zach got his first tattoo!
January Oliver turned 9! I started substitute teaching. It became a full time job and I worked pretty much every day of the week. I loved it. Coda went to camp, again, that kid loves camps. I inherited Zach's old iPad Pro and have been drawing. So fun.
February Coda fell in love with Rock Climbing and joined a gym with Zach, Holden jammed his finger trying to be the next Ninja Warrior Jr, Zach had the best ski days of his life in Canada and I battled a nasty cough all month.

And there you have it. Our last year of everyday normal-ness. It's been a year. And well, now I sit waiting for my phone to ring with the results of my most recent biopsy. It's not good. My labs showed 12% blasts (immature white blood cells which indicate leukemia). So, they ordered a bone marrow biopsy immediately and I went in yesterday afternoon. Holding Zach's hand, I lay on my stomach while the dr drilled into my back for a good marrow sample with only topical numbing! Argh. But, I survived. It's a very strange feeling and not the most pleasant, but it's not awful. So, that's where we are for now. I'll update when we know more. I'm still praying for a miracle. No evidence of leukemia in the bone marrow!! I'm totally fine with baffling the doctors and science for a good ol' fashion Jesus miracle. Praying hard!
Will update again soon.
Love & Light.
😷😘 michelle
Started with lots of rest, relaxation, transfusions and one last trip to the hospital. March ended with some sports, lacrosse and soccer and a few days of ski/boarding.

April started with a biopsy to confirm remission (YAY, it worked). Then just tons of family time, more skiing, puzzles, sports, hikes, volunteering at the school again. Oh, yeah, and we did Whole 30!

May was all about the end of the school year with concerts and more sports and the T Swift concert with our fave concert people, Scott and Laura!

June started with an awesome family vacation to NYC where we walked a million miles (literally, we walked everywhere, one day we walked form Central Park to the Brooklyn Bridge!) and a surprise concert to see Imagine Dragons and Grace Vanderwaal. It was amazing!! And I even got to stay in NY a few extra days with the bestie! More sports, hiking, pools, family time and friend time. And another concert with our fave concert peeps! Finally got to that Dispatch concert (remember we had tickets for the weekend after I was diagnosed last September?) It was amazing!

July started out with a bang, ha. see what I did there? Fireworks, of course. And a week with no kiddos, while they were at camp. Coda did a 5 day backpacking adventure. So awesome. More sports, more family time, more hikes.

August. More sports, lots of biking, Coda went to another camp. And the start of school. Oh, and some serious CrossFit workouts for me. Zach went to Uganda. Coda went to New Mexico with Pa for Homes of Living Hope. And Sam Smith with our favorite concert peeps!
September. Family, braces, school, biking, working out, Holden turned 10, sports, sports, sports. Zach went to Newfoundland for work. I took the boys to see We Are the Messengers and Zach Williams with friends. And our cucumber plant produced WAY TOO MUCH!
October brought an amazing trip to Tulum for our 16th anniversary! Bachama and Pompa came out from Illinois to babysit the boys and they brought cousin Keira. And of course, more sports. The best 3rd annual Tiki Birthday Party

November started ski season with a birthday celebration for me and ended with a birthday celebration for my now 14 year old!
December was a lot of family, sports (always sports), the best night of the year with our neighbors, the Christmas Light bike ride tour!, Holden got student of the month, Go HOLDEN! and more family time in the mountains for Christmas. And Zach got his first tattoo!
January Oliver turned 9! I started substitute teaching. It became a full time job and I worked pretty much every day of the week. I loved it. Coda went to camp, again, that kid loves camps. I inherited Zach's old iPad Pro and have been drawing. So fun.
February Coda fell in love with Rock Climbing and joined a gym with Zach, Holden jammed his finger trying to be the next Ninja Warrior Jr, Zach had the best ski days of his life in Canada and I battled a nasty cough all month.

And there you have it. Our last year of everyday normal-ness. It's been a year. And well, now I sit waiting for my phone to ring with the results of my most recent biopsy. It's not good. My labs showed 12% blasts (immature white blood cells which indicate leukemia). So, they ordered a bone marrow biopsy immediately and I went in yesterday afternoon. Holding Zach's hand, I lay on my stomach while the dr drilled into my back for a good marrow sample with only topical numbing! Argh. But, I survived. It's a very strange feeling and not the most pleasant, but it's not awful. So, that's where we are for now. I'll update when we know more. I'm still praying for a miracle. No evidence of leukemia in the bone marrow!! I'm totally fine with baffling the doctors and science for a good ol' fashion Jesus miracle. Praying hard!
Will update again soon.
Love & Light.
😷😘 michelle
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