Date Nights and Pooping and Shaved Heads

Day 21

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. It was a rough weekend.

Got to see all my boys Thursday night. We watched the Avs game (well, Holden and Zach did). Friday night Zach and I had a little date night. Zach's parents took the boys and we had dinner together and watched A Star is Born (the new one).

Friday night I started getting low grade fevers, nothing too worrisome. But, then Saturday right when they're about to start a platelet transfusion, my temp went up to 102.5. The nurse had given me 50mg dose of IV Benadryl instead of the 25, so I was completely out of it. Fever + drugged out is not a good mix. I just remember Zach looking scared. Nurses and doctors all over the place trying to talk to me. Me, possibly answering them, not sure. Slept all day Saturday. On and off fevers. Chest x-ray. Blood cultures. Urine sample. They had to rule any infection out and started me on some seriously strong IV antibiotics.

Sunday was another crappy day. Slept most of the day again.

By Monday morning I hadn't peed in over 12 hours. It was awful. I've never had this issue before. But, I could not pee. I knew I had to, but I could not pee. I was constipated and nothing was coming out. They had started giving me all kinds of laxatives on Sunday evening, so my stomach was very gurgley. It was not a fun day. I felt awful. Let's just say after some Ativan (yes, I had to take anxiety pills to shit) and lots of crying and well, Zach and I's relationship just had to get that much closer again, didn't it. I couldn't stop thinking of this scene from the Change Up. Maybe I should eat more Thai food. Oh, gross, now that I've completely grossed everyone out and the entire internet knows all about my pooping problems. What else is new?

I don't even know what day it is anymore. Up until 5 minutes ago, I didn't know what time it was (time change, no one ever came in and changed my clock until just now). I'm so ready to go home. But, they'll never let me. My WBC is finally starting to slowly go up. 0.16 on Tuesday, 0.28 yesterday, and 0.47 today. So, there's that.

Oh yeah, and Monday Zach shaved my head. My hair was falling out so bad. It was everywhere. It wasn't as emotional this time. It's much easier to deal with in the hospital, that's for sure.

My mom got here late Tuesday for the week. And she got to start right in with Bomb Cyclone snow day on Wednesday.

Oh, yeah, they pulled my picc line because they thought that was the source of the blood infection. One of the blood cultures they did tested positive for bacteria, so now I just have an IV and am getting loads of antibiotics. Every 8 hours, I get a 3 hour IV infusion.

I also have been taking Rydapt since the 4th. No problems so far. I'll just stay on that for now, I guess. The plan is still to go talk to CBCI (transplant doctor) after I get out of here.

And last time we chatted I was dealing with ATT. Well, welcome us to 2019, because we are officially unlimited data plan users now! Look at us. HA. And, well, still with ATT. But, we do now get HBO for free, so give me all your HBO recs.

Will update again soon.
Love & Light.
😷😘 michelle


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