Day 9 | Flt 3, new drug, and just an update from the hospital

Here we go. Day 9. Nothing exciting. They always say boring is good when you are in the hospital. Doctors like boring.

The other day, part of my testing came back and my genetic markers or whatever, have changed, the leukemia has mutated. I am now FLT 3 positive. The first time around I was NPM1 positive, FLT 3 negative. The oncologist seemed to be happy about this news. Because about the same time as my original diagnosis, there was a new FDA approval for a drug taken in combination with chemo treatment for those with AML FLT 3 positive. So, I start that (Rydapt) as soon as we get it here in Colorado.

Are you bored?

This is the question I get asked the most. Bored? I'm not sure if that's it. But maybe, yeah, maybe that is it. I nap at least once a day, sometimes twice. I don't do things that take a lot of brain power. I just can't focus on anything like that. So, no reading. Really I don't even sit on my phone very much. I'll usually just throw The Food Network or a show on.

Still eating hospital food?

Yup. Can you believe it. I can tell my taste buds are starting to change slightly, but for the most part, I eat ok. I eat enough, that's for sure.


So, my WBC/ANC seems to be about the same, practically nothing at 0.15 and too few to count. Platelets are dropping slowly, but not low enough for a transfusion. I'm guessing Monday but they've already typed and crossed me in case it was today or tomorrow. I'm at 35 now, they'll probably transfuse if they drop under 10. My hemoglobin is staying around 11, they won't transfuse unless it drops below 7 or 8 I think. So, I might not even need blood. HA. We'll see.

We'll wrap this up with some fun drawings from Ollie.

Will update again soon.
Love & Light.
😷😘 michelle


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