Week in the Life 2019 | Tuesday


Morning Stories |

Coda was the first one awake this morning out of all of us. This is extremely rare. I mean, I don't think it's ever happened before! He is definitely getting better at getting himself up and moving in the morning. He's a sleeper like his mama. In general, the boys are fairly self sufficient in the morning. They get themselves breakfast - yogurt, cereal (when we have it), breakfast burritos, or if you are Holden, you make yourself a very nice breakfast sandwich. Today it was yogurt and cereal. Holden and Oliver bike to school everyday. They're good about making sure they get out the door on time. Today, Zach took Coda on his way to work. Coda somedays gets a ride, somedays walks, somedays bikes, usually depends on what he has going on after school or how he is feeling and if there is someone available and willing to give him a ride.

After everyone left for the day, I got myself ready for a doctors appointment. I'm so ready for my life to not be filled with doctors visits. While waiting for the doctor, I sat and scrolled Ali's WITL blog post. So many shots of legs in waiting rooms this week.

Today was awful. I had to get a colposcopy because my pap came back slightly abnormal. The doc seems to think it's getting better though, and a lot of the reason they aren't normalizing is because my immune system is so out of whack from cancer and chemo. But, after the procedure, I just couldn't hold it together. It was just so much. Hearing about the possibility  of cervical cancer (even though he was talking about it like that was so far off and unlikely) and just being there. It was too much. I texted Zach to see if he had a few minutes and I could come see him. His office is just a few blocks from the hospital/ doctors office. I grabbed my prescription and headed over to see him. I texted him when I got there and just told him to come out to the car. I cried. He held my hand. I cried some more. It's just so much!

Afternoon Stories |

I headed home and got a text from Kathy (my mother-in-law) to see if I wanted to go out to lunch. I laid on the couch and rested for a bit until she came and picked me up. We went to Bonefish and I got some very yummy coconut shrimp, which My Fitness Pal told me had 60g of protein in it. πŸ‘ I'm tracking my protein to make sure I'm getting my recommended 100g a day. After lunch, I went home and rested on the couch. I watched an episode of Good Girls and tried to nap but it wasn't happening. I was so tired. I thought about driving over to Skate City to take a picture of Holden and Oliver there (they had an after school function and got bussed over to skate), but I just couldn't make it out the door. Finally a little before 4, I went and laid down in bed and fell asleep hard until Zach got home at 5:30pm. Zach picked Coda up at the rock climbing gym. Bart (Zach's dad) picks Coda up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and climbs with him. I love that Coda is getting so into climbing!

Another school shooting in Colorado. UGH. I hate it. Seeing posts of the boy who sacrificed his life to give his fellow classmates and friends a chance to get out all over Facebook just kills me. I hate this so much!

Evening Stories |

Zach headed out to his Men's group and I cooked dinner from a Plate Joy recipe. Holden and Oliver got home from skating and we ate dinner. It was a turkey taco skillet with cauliflower rice mixed in topped with avocado and salsa. It was pretty good, and healthy (and 30g of protein!). I told Holden and Oliver that if they ate quick and got ready for bed we could watch a Duff Takes the Cake show before bed. So we watched that while Coda sat in his room and texted with Charlie (he's very much 14 years old right now).

They boys were in bed reading by 7:30pm and I went and took a bath. I watched another episode of Good Girls while I relaxed in the hot water. After, I watched part of The Voice and had a bowl of ice cream before heading to bed a little before 10:00pm. Zach got home maybe 20 minutes later from his group.

Will update again soon.
Love & Light.
😷😘 michelle


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