All Checked In and Ready to Rock

All unpacked. Picc line placed. Echo done. Just getting started on premeds and chemo.
The Treatment Plan is called CLAG-M.
- Filgrastim injection
- Premeds: Zofran 16mg IV
- 30 minutes later : Cladribine infusion over 2 hours days 1-5
- 2 hours later : Cytarbine infusion over 3 hours days 1-5
- Immediately followed by : mitoXANTRONE infusion over 30 minutes on days 1-3
I chatted with the oncologist here and she told me that there is very low chance they won't find a match for me. So, if you haven't already, go get out and Be The Match, it might not be me, but you can save someones life. She also told me that best case scenario, logistically it will probably be a bit before I get the transplant. Donor schedules and testing, etc... will likely mean I will do 2 rounds of chemo here before doing all the transplant stuff. So, best case scenario, I'm likely going to be looking at dealing with this stuff for more like 8-9 months versus 6. Bummer, but it's only a bit longer. But, I'm guessing, no LA trip. But, we'll see!! Still holding out on attempting to get a refund on our tickets though United.
Here are a few pictures of me and Zach from before checking in to the hospital. We did this last year, took photos on chemo day BC (before chemo). And, super coincidence, because I did not know this until I just looked for the link, but I'm totally wearing the same shirt. Crazy! You can see chemo day one here.
Oh, yeah. I told Zach that I was going to do Whole 30 while I'm here and eat hospital food everyday. Well, we'll see about that. I am going to try and eat hospital food, but I'm already falling off W30 with what I'm wanting for dinner, and it's totally fine, you know why, still healthy. Maybe I'll just eat healthy and stay active while here. Loads of water. No junk. Walking 10,000 steps a day (so many laps!!)
Oh, one more thing. Remember Phil? If not, go back and read all my posts from my first induction. Anyways, Phil saw a post from Zach that I relapsed and he totally reached out. What an awesome guy! So happy that he's doing well right now. I hope God is watching out for that kid and helps him stay on track.
Will update again soon.
Love & Light.
😷😘 michelle
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